Friday, December 14, 2012

From Margaret Clark

Here is such a meaningful and thoughtful prayer from one of our Children's teachers at CCC, Margaret Clark...

O Friend of little children, hear our prayer this day for all who are devastated by the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

To Your merciful keeping we commit all who have died this day; for in You there is a life that death cannot destroy.
To Your kind embrace we especially commend the parents and families of those children whose voices are now stilled; hold them in Your loving arms.

Remember the injured and grant them, according to Your kind will, healing and restoration.

Remember all who have been traumatized by what they witnessed, the students and the teachers and the staff, all whose world has been shattered; comfort them in the midst of tears.

Remember the police and medical workers and all who seek to bring order after chaos; help them to serve in this dark hour with courage and wisdom and compassion.

Remember the community of Newtown which will never be the same again; bring to it the peace that can come alone from You.

O Mighty One, we know that the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but that You have come that we might have life and have it abundantly. Help your Church at this time to shine the light of Your compassion and truth into the darkness and despair. Help Your people to proclaim, even with tears, that hatred and death will not be the end of this world; for You will come to bring a Kingdom of light and joy and peace. Make us witnesses to this great hope and in the certainty of Your kingdom’s triumph to bind the wounds of this world with tenderness and care. We ask it in Your name, who knew in Your own flesh unreasoned violence and hatred, and whose Love has triumphed over all. Amen.


  1. such a thoughtful prayer from the facebook page of "The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod"


  2. Thank you Pastor Lance for your thoughtful words. I am still unable to process this day, and know that some time this weekend we may need to discuss this with our older children.

    Here is another blog that has some good information on how to discuss this tragedy with older children.
